Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
  • PL-200560

    CONTAINER  • Transport and contaminated waste disposal. • Systems of closing, Provisional and Definitive. ( locked by pressure). • Polypropylene, tight and incinerable (without chlorine) PL-200650-200      0.2 Litre PL-200650-300...

  • PL-200660

    CONTAINER  • Mini container for contaminated waste disposal • Water tight • Polystyren 1/2 choc and styren butadien (SAN ) alimentary type without chlore for incineration. • Mini model, easy and practical for easy transport in a...

  • PL-200670

    CARDBOARD  • Ecologic • Capacity: 23 liters • Packed specifically for the collect of contaminated waste in hospitals, laboratories,... • Laminated drybags sealed inside over the entire periphery of the packing. • Incinerable

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
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